--- Illustrated
Books and Books of Drawings Quintanilla's Books and Periodical Articles About Quintanilla | Esther Lopez Sobrado
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Illustrated Books and Books of Drawings
All the Brave: Drawings of the Spanish War. Text by Elliot Paul and Jay Allen. Preface by Ernest Hemingway. New York, Modern Age Books, 1939
La Espana Negra de Franco. Introduccion de Esther Lopez Sobrado. Barcelona, Ediciones de La Central / Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 2009. (A Spanish edition of Franco's Black Spain.)
Books by Quintanilla
De pintura: vidas comparadas de artistas. Estudio preliminar, Esther Lopez Sobrado. Santander, PUblicCan, Ediciones de la Universidad de Cantabria, 2008. 2 vol. (Studies of more than twenty artists, from Fra Angelico to Rembrandt. Published more than half a century after Quintanilla wrote them.)
Los Cuentos de Mariviento. Edited by Esther Lopez Sobrado. Added illustrations by Laura Ibanez Lopez. This is an adult children's book. Editorial Gran Via, Burgos. 2008 |
“El arte espanol fuera de Espana.” Cuadernos del Congreso para la Libertad de la Cultura. 73, Julio 1963
Coven, Jeffrey. American Printmakers On-line Catalogue Raisonne Project: The Prints of Luis Quintanilla
Dos Passos, John.: Catalog for the show at the Pierre Matisse Gallery. New York, November 20 to December 4, 1934
Lopez Sobrado, Esther. Los Frescos de Luis Quintanilla sobre la guerra. Santander, Paraninfo de la Universidad de Cantabria. Exposicion permanente. Presentacion: Federico Gutierrez-Solana Salcedo. Estudio: Javier Gomez Martinez. 2007
Lopez Sobrado, Esther. Luis Quintanilla, testigo de guerra. Santander Paraninfo de la Universidad de Cantabria. 20 noviembre 2009 / 9 enero 2010
Selected Bibliography about Quintanilla
A.J.: “Libros Leídos. Los rehenes del Alcázar.” Le Socialiste, 9-11-1967
Burdett, Basil. "The Drypoints of Luis Quintanilla." The Print Collectors Quarterly. London: July, 1935, 265-78.
Hemingway, Ernest.: Hemingway and the Mechanism of Fame, ed. by Matthew J. Bruccoli. Columbia, South carolina, University of South Carolina Press, 2006. (Includes nearly everything Hemingway wrote about Quintanilla)
Hemingway, Valerie. Running with the Bulls: My Years with the Hemingways. New York, Ballentine books, 2004. (This sympathetic and intelligent memoir recounts the last meeting Quintanilla had with Hemingway.)
In Chronological Order..........
“Un genio sale del infierno.” En El Cantábrico del diario Alerta, Santander 18-11-1990
“Luis Quintanilla. Entre Santander y París.” La Revista de Santander, nš 61, Santander 1990
LÓPEZ SOBRADO, E y SAIZ VIADERO, J.R.: “La imagen múltiple de Luis Quintanilla. La cultura del exilio republicano español de 1939”. Actas del Congreso Internacional celebrado en el marco del Congreso Plural: Sesenta años después. Vol II. Ed. UNED, Madrid 2003
"Los grabados americanos de Luis Quintanilla". Trasdós. Revista del Museo de Bellas Artes de Santander, nš 8, 2006
De pintura: vidas comparadas de artistas. Estudio preliminar, Esther Lopez Sobrado. Santander, PUblicCan, Ediciones de la Universidad de Cantabria, 2008. 2 vol. (Studies of more than twenty artists, from Fra Angelico to Rembrandt. Published more than half a century after Quintanilla wrote them.)
Luis Quintanilla, testigo de guerra. Santander, Paraninfo de la Universidad de Cantabria. 20 noviembre 2009 / 9 enero 2010.
La Espana Negra de Franco. Introduccion de Esther Lopez Sobrado. Barcelona, Ediciones de La Central / Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 2009. (A Spanish edition of Franco's Black Spain.)
Los Fresco de Luis Quintanilla sobre la guerra. Santander, Paraninfo de la Universidad de Cantabria. Exposicion permanente. Presentacion: Federico Gutierrez-Solana Salcedo. Estudio: Javier Gomez Martinez.
"La Espana Negra de Franco." El Mundo Cantabria, 14 March 2010. (A review of the book and an interview with Esther Lopez Sobrado.)
Quintanilla, Paul.: Novels and poetry
The Love Peace Hate War Murals (These frescoes of the Spanish Civil War were bought on February 2, 2007 by the University of Cantabria. They have been restored and currently hang at the university in Santander, Spain. The opening occurred October 10, 2007)
(In Chronological Order)
Gil Orrios, Ángel: “Los frescos de Quintanilla sobre la guerra civil aparecen en un cine “porno” de Nueva York.” El País, 8-11-1990
Green. Jerald: “Tesoro en un cine “porno.” El País, 8-6-1991
Lopez Sobrado, Esther: "Sobre la pintura mural de Luis Quintanilla." B.S.A.A. Universidad de Valladolid, 1992
Lopez Sobrado, Esther. Los Fresco de Luis Quintanilla sobre la guerra. Santander, Paraninfo de la Universidad de Cantabria. Exposicion permanente. Presentacion: Federico Gutierrez-Solana Salcedo. Estudio: Javier Gomez Martinez.
Green, Jerald: “El arte contra la guerra de Luis Quintanilla.” Goya, nš 232, abril, 1993
Lopez Sobrado, Esther: “Los frescos de Luis Quintanilla para la Exposición Universal de Nueva York, sesenta años después.” El Diario Montañés, 16 de mayo de 1999
Universidad de Cantabria: Noticias "Presentando los frescos de Luis Quintanilla" 2007/03/06 (Regarding the installation of the "Love Peace Hate War"murals at the University of Cantabria.)
Balbona, Guillermo: "Iconos del exilio." El Diario Montanes, March 17, 2007
Lopez Sobrado, Esther: "Muros con memoria." El Diario Montanes, March 17, 2007
Gutierrez, Jose Maria: "Sanar las heridas de la historia." El Diario Montanes, June 6, 2007
Lopez Sobrado, Esther: "Un largo y duro camino." El Diario Montanes, June 6, 2007
Balbona, Guillermo: "En el umbral de la memoria." El Diario Montanes, 11 Octubre, 2007
*** Los Otros Guernicas A documentary film on the strange history of the Love Peace Hate War murals. Directed by Inaki Pinedo the hour long film focuses on the cultural loss of a generation of Spanish artists as a result of the Spanish Civil War. Only in recent years has the historical memory of the Spanish people reawakened to that world which preceded the Franco dictatorship. Narrated by Esther Lopez Sobrado, a specialist on Quintanilla, a variety of people are interviewed, including Santiago Carrillo (former head of the PCE, whose father was in jail with Quintanilla in 1934), the historian Gabriel Jackson, the novelist Almudena Grandes, Alfonso Guerra (former vice president of Spain) and Woody Allen, who used to frequent the Bleeker Street Cinema. Where my father's frescoes were hidden until they were "rescued" in the early two thousands. To view a VIDEO CLIP click on this link. The DVD is available in Spanish, with English or French subtitles. Price: ten euros plus shipping. (PS: It doesn’t run on US DVD players, but does run on American computers.) To obtain a copy email: pquint2@cox.net