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Quintanilla with a sketchbook
The "hunt for paintable subjects." December, 1958




Port Royale





Indalecio Prieto
With Indalecio Prieto











Montmartre - 1963





Top of Montmartre
Top of Montmartre - 1963






The Palomar
In his "Palomar" - the name he gave his studio at 61 Franklin D. Roosevelt Avenue in Paris.







Painting the portrait of Mopsy Calvino in his "Palomar," Paris, 1958


(Click on photo to enlarge)


 Mopsy Calvino  Preparing
  Preparing to paint
 Mopsy in the Palomar
 Painting Painting Mopsy


"And just before Christmas he did a portrait of Calvino's seven or eight year old niece, Mopsy. Everyone in the family, he wrote us, thought she was homely until he revealed her beauty to them in her portrait, and he also believed it was one of his better things. And then on Christmas Day Calvino drove him out to Versailles where he sketched a coach house, which was to be his first "French" painting. And as a Christmas present he gave Calvino the portrait of Mopsy."

From Waiting at the Shore






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