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New York and New England Portraits






The Girl from Middlebury

The Girl from Middlebury

Oil on Canvas: dimensions not available





Man and Dog

Man and Dog

Oil on Canvasboard: 20 x 24"





The Gordian Knot

The Gordian Knot

Oil on Canvas: 18 x 24"

My photo doesn't capture the harmonies of the upright cloth, which is beautifully composed. Notice too that the sex and age of the person holding the Gordian Knot is unidentifiable.





Woman with Fruit

Woman at the Red Table

Oil on Canvas: 22 x 28"





Old Woman at a Table

Old Woman at a Table

Oil on Canbasboard: 22 x 28"





Five Figures

Five Figures

Oil on Canvas: 26 x 39"





The Chef

The Chef

Oil on Canvas: 22 x 28"

Here is a chef. Proud. But without a hint of arrogance. One can see in this painting the great importance of the table.





The Girl in Brown

Oil on Canvasboard: 22 x 28"





Women with a Brown Basket

Women with a Brown Basket

Oil on Canvasboard: 22 x 30"





Two Half Figures

Two Half Figures

Oil on Canvas: 18 x 20"

They appear like fifteenth century Florentines, don't they?





Woman in a White Towel

Woman in a White Towel

Oil on Canvas: 35 x 30"





Nude with her Back with Toward Us

Seated Nude

Oil on Canvas: 22 x 28"





The Farmer's Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

Oil: dimensions not available





Woman in White

Woman in White

Oil on Canvas: 18 x 24"





Woman with a White Vase

Woman with a White Vase

Oil on Canvas: 22 x 28"





Woman in Red

Woman in Red

Oil on Canvas: 25 x 30"





Saint Francis

Saint Francis of Assisi

Oil on Canvas: 28 x 36"





The Girl in Blue

The Girl in Blue

Oil: Dimensions Unavailable.

It is currently in storage in Paris's museum of modern art, the Pompidou Center.





Oil: dimensions unavailable.

Juanita is a Puerto Rican girl my father saw and sketched out on the streets of New York in 1957. This painting is currently somewhere in Europe.

A Sketch for Juanita







Oil: dimensions unavailable.





Cantabrian Woman

Cantabrian Woman

Oil on Canvas: 19 x 19"





The American Boy

The American Boy

Oil on Canvas. Collection of Jan and Jerry Wahls.







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